Understand your hotel data in context
Hotel Data Insights
Improve your Hotel Internet Marketing
Hoteligence is a platform to bring together your marketing information and build real, actionable insights from it. Did your marketing campaign work? Or were external factors building bookings? Did your social media miss the mark? Or did it result in more bookings and counteract a decline from other sources?
See your marketing data in context, review it, act and improve to boost your hotel occupancy and build more direct bookings.
Talk to your Hotel Data in Realtime
Use our premium live chat feature to speak to your Hotel Data and get a deeper understanding of what is happening in your business world.
Use Google Analytics data, sales and social posts, along with Hoteligence's augmented data like weather, local events and others to dig into what is driving bookings, and what is holding them back.
Deeper Hotel Insights
Learn how external influences affect your hotel bookings. Mix weather, local event announcements and other influencers into your data and track how they change your site traffic and sales.
Using external data allows effective planning of marketing campaigns and use of marketing budget.